Case Studies
Every doctor has stories to share of the interesting cases encountered during ones practice.
Medical case studies are such stories of patients who present with realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations. They often involve a diagnostic dilemma or therapeutic problem that was encountered by doctor/s involved during the managment of the case.
While medical cases may seem outrightly simple for those who had encountered such cases, for many others it may be interesting and throw light on problems faced in their respective practise.
I present cases encountered during my practise of pulmonary, sleep and intensive care practise.
Every effort is made to keep the presentations brief and simple. [hr]
Non responding PTB Cases 2
- The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in any presentation on this website are for informational purposes only.
- The case presentation are meant for qualified health professionals only.
- Since the uploaded presentation is converted from a ppt presentation, some of the points/aspects that are verbally communicated during ppt presentation will be missing.
- The clinical approach and treatment are tailored to individual patient. So it is not intended to be a substitute for one’s own professional medical advice, diagnostic approach or treatment.
- Any questions/queries if any can be posted on my email . Kindly give adequate time to reply to the same.…/Non-responding-PTB-Cases-2.pdf